Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Working on the baby quilt for Kim

Still plugging away on the baby quilt for Kim's daughter.

I have cut all the blocks into 5 inch squares.  I laid out the fabric pieces on my big table, and began adding color (bling) to each of the corners.  I was having so many problems remembering top from bottom and which square I wanted to make into part of a 9 inch square, that I began to label each block.  Each color has nine blocks so I labeled them 1 through 9.  Each big square is made up of four smaller squares, a - d.  And I labeled each top so I knew which way was up.  haha.

A few trial pieces showed me that apparently I can't sew a straight line free hand, so I drew a line to sew on, on each piece.  So I am sewing assembly line to gets the bling on.

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